» » A House in Jerusalem (2024)
A House in Jerusalem (2024)

A House in Jerusalem (2024) streaming

A House in Jerusalem streaming VF

2023/   Palestine, Pays-Bas, Grande-Bretagne, Allemagne / 1h 43min

Réalisé par: Muayad Alayan

Avec: Johnny Harris, Miley Locke, Sheherazade Makhoul Farrell

Langues: Français
Voir Bandes-annonces Streaming en HD
A House in Jerusalem follows the story of a Palestinian couple, Salma and Tamer, who are forced to leave their home in East Jerusalem due to political tensions and conflict. They move to a new house in the West Bank, but struggle to adjust to their new surroundings and the challenges of living in a divided city. As they navigate their new reality, they also face personal struggles within their relationship and family dynamics. The film portrays the complexities of life in Jerusalem and the impact of political conflict on ordinary people trying to find a sense of home and belonging.